Sarah's Bio

Sarah Slam, until recently, had always been a dreamer instead of a doer. Growing up in an oil-industry rich, culture deprived, west Texas town, Sarah knew an artist could only dream in her hometown, but never flourish. Once, at family member's college graduation, a woman asked her “What do you want to study?” Sarah, young and naive with confidence plastered on her face in the shape of a smile, simply responded, “Art.” The woman immediately threw back her head and bellowed a heavy-gutted laugh and walked away… Although most people would have taken that as an insult, Sarah took it as a challenge to punch conformity in the face and prove all who doubted her wrong. That day, the Sarah Slam monster was born…. she just didn’t realize it yet.
Sarah Slam traveled to Austin, TX for the 2009 ACL festival. On that Saturday, as she walked barefoot alongside thousands of fellow creative types through the thick squishy mud (once having to flick off a still burning cigarette from her foot stuck on by the most natural of adhesives, wet dirt) she realized she was home. She then convinced her boyfriend to take a leap of chance and flee from their black-hole of dreams and start anew in Austin, TX. In August of 2011, Sarah Slam had her first showcase and was accepted with open arms in the beautifully awesome art community of Austin. Since then, Sarah Slam has attended as many shows as possible and loves her humble, happy, artsy life. She can now look back at all of those who doubted her, still living with their dreams, and just simply smile. :)
Sarah Slam is a self-taught artist, inspired by feminine beauty and the picturesque way women uniquely express their emotions. Sarah believes eyes are like portals to a person’s soul and when looking at her artwork you see the eyes are what set the mood of each art piece. Sarah uses the free flowing nature of watercolors and an array of vivid colors to express the raw human emotions she is trying to portray with each watercolor painting.

People I'd love to acknowledge:

My Mother
I have to give a lot of credit to my mother. She has always been so supportive of my creativity. I remember one time, of many different similar situations, she handed me a tiny box of pastels she found at a garage sale. I never used pastels before, didn't even know where to start, but she just told me to create with them anyways. No matter how many times I floated from medium to medium, craft to craft, she always supported my dreams and ambitions.  My mother is an amazing source of inspiration of not only my art but my entire life. She taught me the beauty of humbleness and unconditional love.

My Love
Oh my, how to explain the way I feel about my love, Carter. We were destined to be together, there's no question about it. He loves me for all my quirky cuteness and loves me extra during the darkest of days. Carter supports me beyond anything I thought was imaginable. His love for me is unconditional, a type of love not many people find in their lifetimes; a love that I was sure, before meeting him, I would never find. I don't know if there is such a thing as "soul mates" but we definitely fit the criteria. :) He's my best friend, my true love, my world...