Friday, February 25, 2011

"Put your money where your mouth is... Then choke on it!" by Sarah Slam (Sarah Kee)

I drew this artwork after I was forced to drop out of college due to no financial aide. The school put me on a monthly pay plan to get me enrolled and I was promised that I would be reimbursed for any money I had to pay before the FAFSA money came in. Well, every time I called to check up on my aide, they had some lame excuse for not having my money. FAFSA is my only hope in going to school without collecting a tremendous amount of debt. So, I was forced to drop out with only a couple of months left of a semester....
So, this drawing is for Odessa College and there lousy, unhelpful, and rude financial aide office staff.

I'm a bit impartial about going to school for art anyways. I've watched tons of documentaries on artists who most have degrees but their art styles are so very very different from one another. What's the point in dishing out thousands of dollars if in the end you're going to do what you want regardless if your art teacher hated it or not??....
I guess it must be for the connections... I bet having a prestigious art school on your resume is easier to convince that your art deserves a spot on the wall.
I also noticed these artists had studios in the major cities and such... Must be nice...

I dont know, I think I'm doing pretty well teaching myself, thank you very much.

Ok, I'm done with this rant for today.

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