Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Awesome news breaks my bad vibes...

Okay, so I went on a crazy rant yesterday with my last post about purchasing a car with no credit and no co-signer. I've deleted the post because it was totally just pumped full of raw unfiltered human emotion. My anger was completely placed on the lack of help we were receiving from the car dealerships, for new and used cars, and their misleading ads targeting people who are the most desperate for a vehicle. I had to cancel one art show earlier this month due to my former car's transmission giving out, and my boyfriend has been hitching a ride to work for the past two weeks. We both have NO credit (not bad credit) so we were at the mercy of a co-signer or really outrageous interest rates.
Thankfully, a breath of fresh air (literally, our new car can actually pass the emissions test)!
My boyfriend's family really helped us in finding a great car. We will be receiving it this weekend!!! Here's a picture of the what it will look like:
2009 Toyota Corolla
We're both soooo excited, and probably for a reason many people take for granted, air conditioning!!! Neither one of our old cars, 98? Ford Ranger and 99 Chevy Blazer, had air conditioning, and what a HORRIBLE summer it has been in Austin, TX. Triple digit weather for like 75 days straight!!
Also, having just a reliable, newer car is a relief of stress for both of us. Now my boyfriend can drive himself to his professional job and I can actually attend all my future art shows/events. Maybe even attend some festivals I'm not obligated to show up to, just for fun, and not have to worry about horrible fuel economy/cost or baking inside an oven on wheels!!

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