Monday, September 26, 2011

More shows this week!!!

Mayne!!! I totally busied myself this week! Three art shows in a four day period!
Halloween, THE GREATEST TIME OF THE YEAR, is coming up soon and I need some extra extra spending money and I figured I would book every show I could until the end of October!!

So the next event I have lined up seems like it's going to be pretty awesome.
Live poetry slam, live art, live music, and cupcakes!! Sounds fun right?!
Check out the event's facebook page here, Our Eyes Need Art!

One of the tasks we were given, if we wanted to, is take an old torn up skateboard and splatter our creative magic all over it to create an art piece out of it. I'm kinda excited about it.
I took sandpaper to the back of the skateboard, made is smooth, and mod-podged watercolor paper over it.

After painting the portraits, I sprayed several coats of clear sealant over the pictures to insure they paintings would not get messed up.
It turned out beautifully. I got a lot of comments on it :D

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