Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Gosh, I know. I'm a horrible blogger. I haven't blogged in so long and there's actually so much to blog about!

First off..
Newest of all Sarah Slam news: I now have an etsy shop! Sarah Slam on Etsy. Or you can visit my Etsy blogger page by clicking the "Etsy Shop" link at the top of this page!!!
As of right now I have only listed original watercolor paintings for sale. But, if you're interested in owning one of my paintings but you're not picky about owning an original painting, I'm in the process of making prints of all my artwork!!! Pretty soon my shop will be loaded with very affordable prints and postcards and other items based on your favorite Sarah Slam artwork!! SO please save the link!!

Okay, now to catch up on old news I should've already updated about...

My first art showcase went AMAZING!!! I had so many people compliment my work. I even had some people want to take their picture with me!! It was a great night. I sold one original painting to a man who probably had one to many drinks, who then gave the painting to a beautiful redhead who the tipsy many seemed to be smitten with. hehehe. Of course those were all assumptions, but educated guesses nonetheless. :) Here is a photo of how my art was showcased! (sorry it uploads super big. I dont know how to make it smaller, but if you click on the image it will upload the photo X.x)

This was the view from my showcase area :D It was much prettier at night with all the lights of the building lit up :)

I also made postcard size prints to sale for those who wanted to walk away with a piece of my art but couldn't afford the price of an original. They were really popular with the crowd and I'll definitely keep making and selling them!!! I recently bought a postcard template stamp so I can hand-stamp the back of each postcard print and sell them as actual postcards on my etsy store soon!! :D

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