Thursday, June 2, 2011


Three months later....

Thanks to my intelligence and grace, I broke my laptop's screen by tripping on either a cord or a exercise weight (I can't remember) and ultimately kicking my laptop (that I so responsibly set on my living room floor).... Not only did I kick it, but I had to stomp on it to catch my balance or my face would've smashed into my entertainment center.... la sigh

Thankfully though, my computer still works except the screen. I found out it was going to cost 100 bucks plus labor to fix it. So after three long months, I bought a new monitor for $25 off of Craigslist.

So now I'm using my laptop as a keyboard and mouse. This is my new computer layout..
It's bulky and a little nonfunctional but it works for me. :D

By the way, there are some real flaky weirdos on craigslist. One guy was willing to trade video games for a $30 monitor. "Ok, cool", I thought in my naive little brain. "I have some games I can give up." But then he got extremely picky on what condition the games should be in, like to the extreme of not even the slightest blemish be on the case. Uh, should've mentioned that on your post, douche. I understand having standards, but if I was a collector and expected something to be perfect, I'd explain it to people on my post so I wouldn't waste my or someone else's time..... So I was like, "Dude, I'll just give you $30." Then he seemed real demanding on meeting up the same night I responded to his post. It was like 8 pm, could it not wait til the morning? So, I stopped responding to his emails. hehe...

Anyways, so I bought a monitor for only $25 from some other seemingly normal guy. We met at Ikea's parking lot, did the exchange, and no chainsaw or gun fight went down. :D

Fortunately, or unfortunately, I will get to post more random posts of my life.

Currently, I'm working on a new line of illustrations called "the aDORKabots". As the name implies, it will be a comic series of adorable dorky robots, dealing with everyday situations but just in a robot world.... Sounds totally cliche or lame, but I swear it's cute.
I'm also going to try watercolor as the artistic medium. So we'll see. I'm working on the first little illustration now and I'll post when it's complete.

Peace, muh nugga cheeses!!

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