Friday, June 24, 2011

Rainbobo The Clown: watercolor

Ah, what a breath of fresh air after the last epic watercolor fail from my previous post.

Rainbobo The Clown by ~SarahSlam on deviantART

This was a fun piece to create. Mostly because I completely intended to create a soft emotional feel by painting a girl with deep blue eyes and flowy dark hair.

Well half way through, this painting took on a life of itself and just kinda guided my hand to create what it wanted to become...
Ok, enough artsy fartsy flakiness, this is by far the creepiest artwork I've done I think.

It was created on 140lb paper using cheap Crayola brand watercolors with the exception of the red which was Loew-Cornell?? I'm not sure if that's cheap or not. I'm a self taught artist therefore I have no idea how to properly use any art medium. :) Enjoy and hopefully it wont(will) give you nightmares. :D


  1. looks like youre back on track :)
    how do you get the paintings in digital form? do you scan them or something?

  2. Thanks. Yeah, I just scan at home. :)
