Thursday, June 23, 2011

Watercolor FAIL!

A friend of mine suggested I post some of my failures.
Although I'd like to mislead everyone into thinking I'm some awesome artist who never creates a horrible work of art, I decided to lift my veil and reveal the hideous face of truth... (ignore that last analogy)
So here it is... the horrible watercolor. Keep in mind, I didn't finish it. I knew in the beginning as I was laying down the blue wash that I wasn't going to like it and I guess that attitude stuck with me until I called it quits.

I didn't give much real effort. It felt more like when I was in highschool and I waited til the last few hours to complete an assignment I had two weeks to do. It was a half-ass effort and it showed. So, lesson here is if you're not feeling it, don't do it! Unless of course you have too... :P


  1. I see...maybe you shouldnt post any more of your failures lol jk. i wouldve liked to see it finished tho. have you made another like it?

  2. hahaha! Well i tried a different way of doing it that just looked wrong from the beginning but I decided to keep going until, as you can see, I just knew there was no point. Just a waste of paint to keep going.
    SO, yes I am going to remake this using the techniques I'm comfortable with.

  3. good :) im interested to see what you do with the bubbles
