Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It was my idea FIRST!

Okay, maybe a giant octopus terrorizing a city isn't technically an original idea...

BUT what about a dream I had a few years ago about an octopus 100 stories tall summoned from outer space by a powerful young boy who seeks revenge on a city full of people who have hurt him.... Sounds unique, right???

Well I thought so, until one day I turn on Netflix and I watch a movie made in 2010 called "Monsters".
Six years after Earth has suffered an alien invasion a cynical journalist agrees to escort a shaken American tourist through an infected zone in Mexico to the safety of the US border.
"Alien" meaning octopuses. (No, I didn't give away anything because they have octopus images throughout the movie). There's even a point in the movie where the "aliens" are floating in the sky...... Although the plot is completely different from the dream I had, it still made me feel a little too late to express my dream as original. I have been hoping to one day either write or draw what I had dreamed but I never felt comfortable enough in my abilities to pull an awesome creation out of my butt to match the awesomeness I felt after waking from such an awesome vision.

Finally, today I decided to just force myself to sit down and create a sketch. I probably wasted five sheets from my sketch book to come out with a drawing I was happy with.

As you can tell, I still have A LOT of detail, color, and artsy fartsy what not left to do, but I'm super excited. I wanted to share the sketch before the final product, because honestly I have no idea what medium I want this to be created with....

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